
Understanding the significance of a low versus high forehead

Methodology for Measuring the Forehead First, we need to establish the definition of a low or high forehead. Understanding how to measure it and determining what to compare it with are important aspects to consider. Should we consider comparing the different aspects of the face or should we focus on comparing ourselves to others? When … Read more

Glancing the Forehead

Overview Forehead In everyday interactions, the forehead is likely one of the most discernible facial features. However, do you understand the significance of it? For most of us, the forehead is simply an aesthetic component. Although, there is much more to it. In this post, I will briefly explain how one can use the forehead … Read more

Face Reading

Face Reading, also known as Physiognomy, is an ancient Chinese technique that has developed into one of the most trusted methods of self-discovery and fortune-telling. However, throughout the course of a lifetime of education, there are several parallels and distinctions between Asians and Caucasians. The face is a window into a person’s personality. A great … Read more

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